HybriComp™ W104
Premium high-toughness nano-engineered tungsten carbide-cobalt chrome.
HybriComp™ W333
Premium high-toughness nano-engineered tungsten carbide-nickel chrome.
HybriComp™ W611
Premium high-toughness nano-engineered tungsten-carbide cobalt.
HybriComp™ T45
Higher toughness, corrosion-resistant nano-structured titanium cermet materials.
HybriComp™ T48
Higher hardness wear-resistant nano-composite cermet with a cobalt based matrix.
Boromet™ M144
Self-lubricating nanocomposite with high toughness, corrosion- and wear-resistance.
The first commercially available hierarchical nano-composite net-shape cermet, which provides low friction in a zero- to low- viscosity lubrication system.